
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to certify that Ms. xxx has been working in xxx from xxx till now. Her current title is xxx in xxx Department.
Ms. xxx has been entitled to a monthly salary RMB xxx. With quarterly bonus and annual bonus, her annual income is no lethan RMB xxx.
For further enquires, please feel free to contact me at xxx or xxx.
Sincerely yours,


View the "work that format, work that model," comments "work that format, work that model" Content Description:
Staff work and proof of income is my ________ ________________: hereby certify that employees in the department office ________ ________ position.So far, over the past year total income of about __________ yuan.Hereby certify that.This proved only prove that my company\\'s employees work and in my company\\'s wage income, not as my company\\'s employees in any situation in the security documentation.Stamp: Date :______ ___ years, ___ daily income certificate Mintz on proof of my company (XXXX company) employees XXX in my work of the Division XX years, serving XX departments XX Manager (position), total monthly income of XXXXX.00 yuan for the after-tax (or pre-tax) salary.XXXX\\'s ...
Date :______ ___ months ___ years, Japan