俗话说的好:“百里不同风,千里不同俗 。”的确,不同的地方有不同的风俗,也有不同的饮食 。我的家乡四川重庆,最有名的就是火锅了 。
重庆火锅又叫重庆“麻辣烫” 。制作时要准备的材料自然是五花八门:各式各样的蔬菜、鱼肉,配料,佐料……而在这些材料中,辣椒当然是必不可少的 。我们重庆人认为辣椒能开胃,提神、暖身,对人们的身体健康大有益处 。
煮火锅,首先要烧好一锅水,放入火锅底料 。等到一锅水沸腾时,就已经是香味四溢了 。接着,将切好的辣椒放入锅中,不一会儿,锅里就是火红一片,在空气中,都能闻到那一股火辣的香味 。紧接着,将白菜等蔬菜放入锅中,顿时,发出一阵“啪啪”的响声,水面已经浮起一阵水泡 。
接下来,再将切好的肉片、肉块、鱼肉等放下锅中,只在一刹那,就可以闻到一股蕴含着辣、香、麻的气息,那简直是一种享受 。在制作时,闻着那扑鼻的香味,看着一锅“闹腾”的食物,已经让人禁不住垂涎三尺 。
在静静等候半个小时左右,我们就连锅一起端上桌子 。桌子上也有烧食物用的灶台,为的是随时将火锅加热 。
每人都乘上一碗,看着碗里的热腾腾的麻辣烫,我们已经是迫不及待,急急忙忙拿起一双筷子,夹起一片肉,咬一口,真辣,真香!好像全身都热了起来 。一碗接着一碗,我们已经不想停止下来,真想一直享受着美味佳肴 。桌子上已经是一阵狼吞虎咽,周围更是一片欢声笑语,大家在热气腾腾的桌上释放着的热情与欢乐!
这就是我们的重庆麻辣烫,听了我的介绍,你是否也想尝一尝呢?赶紧来重庆做客吧 。
2010年作文 文化火锅
As is vividly portrayed in the picture above, a hotpot which is populated with various ingredients is boiling.It is funny that the ingredients are the celebrities from east to west like Lao She and Shakespeare, the concepts of philosophy both in ancient and modern time such as “post-modernism” and “Confucianism”, 写的是对的:)and the performing art like “swan lake” and Peking Opera instead of pork, beef and cabbages.The caption indicates that “cultural hotpot” is tremendously not only delicious but also nutritious.
Simply as the picture is, the symbolic implication which is the co-existence of cultural diversity is as deep as the ocean.The acceptation and understanding of all kinds of cultures resemble an experience of enjoying a hotpot filled with meat and vegetables because taking intellectual enquiry from different perspectives can equip us with art quality and skill of cultural comprehension just as we can acquire nutrition from the ingredients in the hotpot.
It must be admitted that the integration of cultures has become an inexorable trend nowadays with an expanding number of cultural communications between china and foreign counties.Take The World Expo in Shanghai as an example: it had attracted millions of people from all over the world because of its diverse charm which combines oriental mysterious elements and western enthusiastic components.Likewise, if you were to examine the films which are prevailing worldwide, you would most likely find a noteworthy phenomenon: the themes of these films almost involve both eastern and western mainstream cultures.In conclusion, only by absorbing different cultures and appreciating various art forms, can we promote the development of cro-cultural communication effectively.
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