
acknowledgments 基本解释
承认,承认书,感谢( acknowledgment的名词复数 )
中文词源acknowledgments 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Mrs. bennet was profuse in her acknowledgments .班纳特太太连声道谢 。
We both wish to sign a contract , and we accept to make some acknowledgments to do it .我们都想签合同,因而双方都要做些让步 。
We are almeans accommodating to abet with you and if all-important make some acknowledgments .我们老是乐意配合的,如果须要还可以做些妥协 。
In the acknowledgments , austinstates that we are " essentially social beings all the way to the end , " a reality which makes authority a necessity .在致谢一栏中,奥斯汀称我们自始至终都是社会上的一员,这一事实决定了权威存在的必要性 。
Given this article 's venue and my own lack of culinary sophistication , I 'm curious about whether the reader can identify with any of these reactions and acknowledgments and discomforts .考虑到文章所涉及的地点,再加上我个人缺乏烹饪经验,我很好奇是否有读者会认同这些反应、坦白,以及不快之处 。