
英音  [ˈeɪkərɪdʒ] 
美音 [ˈekərɪdʒ, ˈekrɪdʒ] 
acreage 基本解释
英亩数;(总称)(以英亩计的)土地面积;<美> 按英亩出售的土地
acreage 变化形式复数: acreages
星级词汇:中文词源acreage 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Soybean acreage increased slightly in 2009 .2009年大豆面积略微增长 。
The palestinians would balk at that as far too much , even if they got the equivalent acreage back , perhaps adjacent to the gaza strip .巴基斯坦方对于这个提议望而却步,即便他们能换回同样多的英亩数,还有可能得到加沙地带的邻近区域 。
The original acreage and megawatt output have both been lowered after facing objections from environmentalists and the local american indian community .在遇到环境保护者和当地美国印第安社会组织反对后,原来太阳能站点的英亩数和兆瓦输出都减小了 。
Many expats rent in singapore , as there are restrictions on foreign ownership of a stand-alone property that has yardage or acreage .许多外国人在新加坡的租金,因为有一个独立的码数或面积的财产,外国所有权的限制 。
Borlaug 's methods often raised yields while reducing acreage , and it seemed for years he 'd proven the organic movement wrong .博拉格的方法能有效提升产量,却降低了可耕地面积,而且看起来他要证明有机农业的做法是错误的还需要数年时间 。