
acr是什么意思 , acr怎么读
acr 基本解释
acre 地产;air control radar 空中指挥雷达;airfield-controlled radar 机场控制雷达;advanced capabilities radar 高级功能雷达
中文词源acr 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释" That is , they can continue to use their professional judgement in determining whether or not to report a contravention , but must report using the acr , " he said .“他们可以继续使用专业判断 , 在决定是否报告违规时 , 但是必须用acr报告 , ”他说 。
Following the announcement of the find by a london-registered company , african consolidated resources ( acr ) , tens of thousands of locals and foreigners rushed to the area to try their luck .继伦敦一家注册公司宣布了在马兰吉发现钻石的重大新闻后 , 非洲联合资源公司(acr) , 成百上千的本地人和外国人涌到这个地方淘钻 。
President robert mugabe 's ruling zanu-pf party quickly moved to claim the fields as its own , cancelling acr 's prospecting rights and sending in the army to oust the panners and local inhabitants and to seal off the area .罗伯特穆加贝总统统治的爱国阵线执政党(zanu-pfparty)迅速行动并前来声称土地是他们的 , 取消了非洲联合资源公司的探矿权并派遣部队前去驱逐淘矿的人和本地居民 , 还封锁了整个区域 。
The czech and iraqi governments have been holding talks for more than 12 months over the potential sale of approximately 20 surplus army of the czech republic ( acr ) l-159s .捷克和伊拉克政府已就可能出售的捷克共和国陆军的约20余架l-159进行了超过12个月的对话 。