
acreages是什么意思 , acreages怎么读
acreages 基本解释
英亩数( acreage的名词复数 );(总称)(以英亩计的)土地面积;<美> 按英亩出售的土地
中文词源acreages 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释Large acreages have been planted to oil crops .大面积土地已种上油料作物 。
Zoos began establishing " survival centers " on vast acreages in virginia 's blue ridge mountains , coastal north carolina , and elsewhere , and stocking them with african fauna .动物园着手在佛吉尼亚州的蓝岭山脉(blueridgemountains)、北卡罗来纳州海岸等地建立起幅员辽阔的“生存中心” , 在此储备非洲动物种群 。
The objective was to raise farm income by cutting the acreages planted or destroying the crops in the field , paying the farmers not to plant anything , and organizing marketing agreements to improve distribution .它的目标是通过减少种植面积 , 销毁农田中的作物 , 补偿农民来停止耕作 , 以及签订改善分配的市场协议 , 来增加农民收入 。
" This partnership will help unlock the huge potential of india 's vast but underexplored acreages , " mr ambani told reporters while unveiling the deal with bob dudley , bp chief executive , in london .安巴尼在伦敦与bp首席执行官鲍勃达德利(bobdudley)一起公布这宗交易时向采访人员表示:“双方的合作将有助于释放印度广阔但勘探不足的油气田的巨大潜能 。”
The secretary said that to attract more explorers to bid for acreages in india , his ministry is seeking 10 years tax holiday for ultra deep water exploration , according to a report by the hindu .据印度英文日报TheHindu此前报道称 , 这位部长表示 , 为了吸引更多的勘探公司竞标印度油气勘探区块 , 他领导的印度石油天然气部正在为超深海勘探谋求十年免税优惠政策 。