
 Dear Mr.Jones,
This letter is to expre my interest in brining my years of experience in airline operation and ground security to your firm.In these troubled times, I know I can add to public safety and security in the transportation industry.
As my enclosed resume indicates, my background includes more than two decades of services at US Airways with significant experience in:
Aircraft accident investigation as a member of the US Airways disaster team.
Security checkpoints where I handled countle calls for aistance
Training the Ground Security team to protect and promote public safety
In addition to the above skills, I can offer your firm:
More than 30 years of experience in the airlines industry.
Expertise in dealing with government agencies, including the FAA where I facilitated communications to reduce company fines.
Reduced absenteeism and occupational injuries, standards I maintained at US Airways where I achieved the best employee safety record of all IS Airwasy cities.
With world events neceitating the highest standards in airport seurity and employees’ performance, my extnsive experience can help meet those needs.
I will be calling you within the following week to schedule an interview so that we might dicsu this matter further.
Until then, should you have any question, I can be reached at the number listed above.
Ruell Morgan


您好 , X经理 。我是来之XXX工业大学的XXX , 是今年的一名应届毕业生 , 读的是航空服务专业 , 得知贵公司正在招聘一批空中乘务员的消息 , 我特意写了这封求职信 , 希望可以到贵公司面试 。
高中的时候 , 凭借着自己的身高、身材优势 , 再加上自己高考时候的成绩 , 我顺利考入了XXX工业大学的航空服务专业 , 在大学的这四年时间了 , 我主要学习的课程包括:航空服务礼仪学、民航概论学、民航专业英语学、航空运输地理学、航空安全与应急处理学和航空服务心理学等课程 。通过这些课程的学习 , 我具备了一名空中乘务员的知识基础 , 为我应聘贵公司的这一职位增加了几分信心 。
另外 , 我还有半年时间空中乘务员的实践经验 。这半年时间了 , 我亲身体会到了作为一名空中乘务员应该有的责任与态度 。时刻保持微笑 , 全心全意做好我们的服务 , 服务好每一位乘客是我们的责任 。这半年的经历里 , 使我处理事情变得变得更加成熟与稳重 。所以 , 我相信自己可以成为一名出色的空中乘务员的` , 希望经理看完这封求职信后能够给我一次面试的机会 。