《哈利·波特》观后感如何写?( 二 )

The main character Harry potter,a very lovely ,clever and brave child.The scar on his forehead seal, doomed to he is not a ordinary children.From him,I can learn that we should be brave to face everything,we shoud value our friendship,we can achieve ourpurpose by our own efforts.From the film, friends can reflect on the spirit of courage.With these, they have time and again to escape the difficulties.
" Harry Potter and the Sorcerer\\'s Stone " with him on his two best friends in school Huogewoci magic in the story.Where records of their fighting together, sharing happine together.Everything is so magical! In that magical world of the shaman lived, there are fewer old.When the
meenger owl.Cups, hats, are believed to be his opening remarks.Flying broom is their means of transport, and more can be compared to the birds and the sky, and Flying broom can quickly fly in le than a few minutes you can reach the place you want to visit.
I admire the most is Harry Potter and his partners, and the difficulties they face the evil spirit never flinched.They always had a conviction: "We must overcome all, defeat evil, and we learn, understand and know the magic and common sense to defeat our enemies, as long as we work together, we can overcome evil, justice will never defeat evil." With this conviction, they will win.


《哈利·波特》是最近上映的一部电影,讲述的是关于魔法的故事:主人公哈利·波特进入了魔法学院,他在里面学会了许多魔法,最终成为了一名优秀的巫师,他还有两个好伙伴,他们教会了哈利很多事情 。
这部电影对于我们青少年来说是一部非常优秀的电影,在其中我们可以明白许多道理:珍惜友谊、勇敢地面对一切困难......这都是从哈利身上体现出来:他在家里被舅舅欺负,他不卑不吭,发愤图强,而我们应该在考试不好时,不要消沉,要以此为动力,发愤学习 。
看到这部影片,我就想到了当前中国的影坛,现在适合青少年口味的电影太少了,一些影片全是讲述成年人之间的争斗和恩怨,而看过《哈利·波特》的孩子们都觉得这部电影的主人公哈利·波特很勇敢、机智,又会魔法,这才使孩子们对这部影片的喜爱 。现在的孩子们对新的事物的接受能力比较快,渐渐地就不太喜欢古板的国产片了,而是喜欢一些较为有乐趣的影片 。
所以我希望中国影坛要为孩子们多提供一些合适的影片 。这就是我看《哈利·波特》之后所想到的 。


剧情概要:哈利波特等从马尔福庄园逃出,先去了古灵阁找到了赫奇帕奇金杯,然后来到霍格沃茨找拉文克劳的王冠 。所以这一篇基本上是在霍格沃茨内的战斗了 。斯内普被伏地魔杀死,死前把记忆丢给了哈利,哈利得知真相,前往禁林送死,结果没死成,反倒是伏地魔杀死了自己留在哈利体内的一片灵魂 。最后纳威杀死了纳吉尼,伏地魔被哈利干掉,天下太平 。