《罗马假日》观后感怎么写?( 五 )

For example,setting is the term used to refer the background of a particularrefers to the use of architectural features to “frame”an action and to imbue it with
9 --- “Million City within a city” and then Roman is throughout the wholethe story continues, all the style of the old buildings located in various parts of the city havesets become alive and vibrant with the story andbuildings, as the film’s set designing, connect each fragment and promote the development of the whole story.
There are some pictures below.
Peck and Hepburn
Costume Coloeum
Film clothing can increase the viewing ofdifferent themes, different content and different times of the movie,actors’ clothes are different.This makes the audience feel more authentic when they watch movies just like looking at things that really happen there.
Hepburn in Roman Holiday was designed with a real princelooks tender and lovely when she wears a
11 --- Design.Advance In Design
张舒倩.浅谈电影中的服装艺术,影视评论,2010 / http:///link?url=u3cggLkICsQPN_dR3mVOZHsYhPEgtZ58o4lHHt0mEoY5nBitoTrt1O9P50DbkyDbGTcGsDpo8k7knp2YVH4Hc78PwFAMU81VQZ-ezf_pZom


《罗马假日》是一部非常好的黑白老电影,没看过的真的应该看看 。《罗马假日》的主人公安妮公主(赫本扮演),在意大利出席接见会时有一个特写动作,把鞋脱掉蹭蹭脚,然后把鞋穿上,再把鞋脱掉再蹭蹭脚,最后把鞋落在站在的台上 。后被公爵以约其跳舞才把鞋穿上,避免了尴尬 。当初我没理解,看到她在罗马一市场买鞋我才懂得她希望得到的是什么 。
当晚由于公爵夫人安排第二天的行程,使其失去理智被医生打了一针镇静剂,安妮装睡然后趁看守不备跑到罗马广场并睡着了,被一个小采访人员(派克扮演)发现并被迫带回家,安妮公主就这样在社会的底层生活了两天,着实快乐了一把,后和小采访人员产生了爱意,要不是小采访人员有良知,她在罗马私自外出的消息和照片就被刊登到报纸上了 。
王宫的生活就像她穿的鞋,他感觉不舒服,而普通市民的生活就像在市场买的鞋她感觉穿的舒服,她渴望的自由生活,不被约束 。但最终安妮还是回到了王宫,小报采访人员把照片还给了她,最后念念不舍的离开安妮 。让看电影的感到惋惜,其实就是作者的一厢情愿 。
我为什么写《罗马假日》的观后感呢,其实人在一生上下来就以被分成三六九等,是不以自己的意志为转移的 。平民羡慕富人的奢华生活,富人羡慕平民的无拘无束,世上存在完美的生活状况吗?只有上帝知道,世上真的有上帝吗?我看还是快乐的过好自己的每一天比较实际 。