英语论文开题报告怎么写?( 五 )
2.1 the disadvantage of traditional oral english teaching mode
2.2 the neceity and merit of taking interaction-teaching mode
2.3 oral english interaction-teaching mode should follow the principles
chapter three personal interaction in the oral english teaching
3.1 the relationship between the teacher and students
3.2 two types of personal interaction
3.3 claroom climate
3.4 claroom size
chapter four the evaluation of the interactive oral english teaching mode
4.1 some principles should follow when evaluating
4.2 the concept of evaluating
4.3 the technology of evaluating
jonen, dh..thinking technology: toward a constructivist design model [j].educational technolgy.3 (1994): 34-35.
littlewood, william.communicative language teaching [m].cambridge: cambridge university pre .1981.
卢艳春, 路雅琴.“构建主义与大学英语口语教学.” 前沿杂志.11 (xx):98-100.
司洪海.“构建主义理论与英语口语教学.” 基础英语教育.4 (xx):8-9.
吴蕾.“构建主义在英语口语教学中的应用.” 东华大学学报(社科版).7 (xx年):23-24.
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