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acridity 基本解释
中文词源acridity 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释The abnormal aesthetic feeling office beautiful woman acridity is sheer .异常美感的办公室美女辛辣十足.
Use virulent chemical potassium cyanide , he is set left acridity pit , coax son and wife early or late take poison .利用剧毒的化学品氰化钾,他设下了狠毒的陷阱,诱骗儿子和妻子先后服毒 。
Third : " I am put usurious beyond the mark and acridity , I want do some of charities to compensate for in the future . " Be turn for ding fayan finally , he hesitates not to say , someone else says he is unjust and gentle do not defend a promise .丙:“我放高利贷过分狠毒,将来我想做些慈善事业来抵偿 。”最后轮到丁发言,他犹豫不说,其他人说他不公平和不守诺言 。