
acrimonious是什么意思 , acrimonious怎么读
英音  [ˌækrɪˈməʊnɪəs] 
美音 [ˌækrəˈmonɪəs] 
acrimonious 基本解释
辛辣的;严厉的 , 刻薄的;剧烈的
所属分类:GRE使用频率:星级词汇:中文词源acrimonious 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释This will mean that eu summits in brussels become tense and acrimonious affairs throughout the year .这也意味着未来一年布鲁塞尔的峰会都会充斥着紧张与尖刻.
Many member states fear this will mean opening a can of worms , sparking a lengthy , acrimonious bout of horsetrading .很多成员国担心这会把事情搞复杂 , 导致漫长而尖刻的谈判 。
The tiff has grown more acrimonious with each iho meeting even as the relationship between the two nations has continued to improve -- as demonstrated by the ubiquitous korean soap operas on japanese tv and the appearance of japanese food on korean tables .尽管韩日关系在不断改善(日本电视上无处不在的韩国肥皂剧和韩国餐桌上的日本食品即可证明) , 但随着每一次iho会议的召开 , 两国之间的争吵就变得越来越尖刻 。
Ms. gillard and her senior supporters fought an acrimonious campaign to discredit their rival .吉拉德和她的高层支持者通过刻薄的宣传来损伤对手的名誉 。
They also illustrate the way in which the acrimonious battle for power between mr zuma and thabo mbeki , the country 's president whom he defeated in december 's anc leadership election , is poisoning both the civil service and the political system .也说明了祖马和他在12月非洲人国民大会领导人选举中击败的南非总统塔博姆贝基之间激烈的权力斗争正在严重损害公共服务和政治系统 。