
英音  [ˌækrəˈbætɪks] 
美音 [ˌækrəˈbætɪks] 
acrobatics 基本解释
中文词源acrobatics 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释She was eight years old , the same age I was when I began sports acrobatics .她8岁,跟我开始练技巧运动时一个年龄 。
These little guys are masters of acrobatics , well-known for jumping out of the water and spinning in the air as they swim .这些小家伙有着高超的杂技手段,以善于跃出水面和喜欢打旋子游泳而出名 。
Actually achieving the total life makeover , much promised around this time of year , would require impossible psychological acrobatics : somehow you 'd have to change everything about yourself while simultaneously being the self who is directing the changes .事实上,在新年伊始,像许愿的那样,要实现生活的彻底改变会需要心理上的技巧:在某种程度上你会不得不改变有关自己的一切,同时保持自我以指导改变的方向 。
We expect his european counterparts , led by an economically unsophisticated french president and german chancellor , and an italian prime minister specialising in legal acrobatics , to demand command-and-control global regulations .我们预计他的欧洲同行以不谙经济的法国总统和德国总理、以及专长于法律技巧的意大利总理为首会要求指挥和控制全球监管 。
The process of selecting and securing a partner , whether for conceiving and rearing children , or for enhancing one 's socioeconomic standing , or for attempting motel-room acrobatics , or merely for finding companionship in a cold and lonely universe , is as consequential as it can be inefficient or irresolute .选择伴侣并建立坚固关系的过程,无论是为了孕育小孩,还是为了增强一个人的社会经济地位,或是为了尝试房事技巧,亦或是仅仅为了在冰冷孤单的宇宙中找个伴儿,总是必然的效率低下和踌躇不前 。