
英音  ['ækrəʊ] 
美音 ['ækroʊ] 
acro 基本解释
acrobat 杂技演员(的);acrophobe 恐高症患者;acrophobia 恐高的
acro 变化形式易混淆的单词: AcroACRO
中文词源acro 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释A boy swam acro the river .一个男孩游过这条河 。
The blind man walked acro the street slowly .那盲人慢慢地走过街道 。
It is hard to keep a good acro nym down , and the game of throwing countries into groups is unlikely to end .要想压制一个好的缩略词很难,把若干国家凑成各种集团的游戏也不太可能结束 。
Three mexica were arrested for bootlegging firearms acro the border .三名墨西哥人因越境贩卖枪支而被捕 。
You need to co-ordinate with all the people acro all the time zones .你要和来自不同时区的人协调 。