
英音  [ə'krɒpəlɪs] 
美音 [ə'krɑ:pəlɪs] 
acropolis 基本解释
acropolis 变化形式复数: acropolises
易混淆的单词: Acropolis
中文词源acropolis 卫城(雅典)词根acer, 尖的,高的 。词根pol, 城市,同police, 城市保护者 。acropolis 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释The british helped themselves to the elgin marbles , taken from the acropolis .英国人则从雅典卫城拿走了埃尔金大理石雕 。
These carvings were taken from the acropolis in athens more than 200 years ago by the earl of elgin .这些雕塑是埃尔金伯爵(earlofelgin)200多年前从雅典卫城运来的 。
They had conservative tastes , seeking out paintings of the acropolis and large seascapes .他们的口味比较保守,热衷于卫城的绘画和大幅的海景画 。
In greece , striking workers blocked access to the acropolis in protest against job losses and were dispersed by riot police with teargas .在希腊,罢工的工人们为了抗议工作岗位减少而封锁了雅典卫城的交通,被防暴警察用催泪瓦斯驱散 。
It also mischievously suggested that the greeks sell some islands and the acropolis to pay their debt .它甚至换调侃地建议希腊卖掉部分岛屿和雅典卫城以偿还债务 。