
activators是什么意思 , activators怎么读
英音  ['æktɪveɪtəz] 
美音 ['æktɪveɪtəz] 
activators 基本解释
催化剂 , 触媒剂( activator的名词复数 )
中文词源activators 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释Civil rights activators have voiced concern about the increase in surveillance cameras .民权活动家已经表达了对监视摄像机数量增长 。
The physiological activators of the red pepper and the garlic in kimchi plays the role of preventing cell aging , sterilizing noxious germ , killing pain , improving immunity and the like .泡菜中的红辣椒和大蒜作为生理催化剂 , 可以有效地延缓细胞衰老 , 杀灭有害微生物 , 止痛 , 提高人体免疫力等 。
It shows that the social pressure and conformity are the activators to turn their will of son priority into action , and accelerates the motive and behaviors of son priority and results in imbalance of sex ratio .认为压力与从众是村民把生男意愿转变为生男行动的催化剂 , 并进一步强化了其生男动机和行为 , 导致性别比偏高 。