Acton 基本解释
阿克顿 (姓氏; 位于伦敦附近的一城市名)
中文词源Acton 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释I would only add to acton 's dictum that discretionary power is even more corrupting than the power embodied in regulations .要是说对阿克顿勋爵的格言有什么补充的话,我只会说,自由裁量权要比制度中赋予的权利更容易造成腐败 。
As mind candy 's mr acton smith puts it : " it 's the sort of business where you can remain fun and quirky . "正如mindcandy的阿克顿史密斯所述:“这就是那种你既能获得乐趣、又能随意行事的事业 。”
He was sent to school in acton where his first task was to learn english .他的父母将他送到位于acton的学校就读,在那他的第一个任务是学习英语 。
Bill acton , one of the founder members of the fintry project , says he gets dismayed when he sees developers and communities at loggerheads over wind farm projects .比尔阿克顿,芬特里项目的一位创始成员表示,他在开发商和社区因风力发电场项目剑拔弩张而感到失望 。
" We were very lucky , " says acton . " We have had clear passage from the community , but absolutely 100 % this could work elsewhere . "“我们很幸运,”阿克顿说:“我们已明确通过社区该计划可行,而且是绝对100%可以在其他地方可行 。”
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