
activize是什么意思 , activize怎么读
英音  ['æktɪvaɪz] 
美音 ['æktəˌvaɪz] 
activize 基本解释
activize 变化形式第三人称单数: activizes
过去式: activized
过去分词: activized
现在分词: activizing
中文词源activize 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释Conclusion indwelling hepatoma after mtc treatment could activize the anti tumor immunity of the patients .结论微波固化后留置可以刺激宿主的抗肿瘤免疫力 。
White-collar workers often sit all day long and they really should activize their arthrosis sometimes .白领阶级经常坐一整天 , 他们真该偶尔活动关节一下 。
Nevertheless , any behavior of children happens or not lies on the inner psychological function , namely the emotional motivation , which will activize one 's behavior efficiently .然而幼儿任何行为发生的关键都是激发行为的内部心理机制-情感动机 。
Meeting also stressed : the use of foreign capital for sme guarantee company pilot-invested enterprises on the territory of activize , the processing of foreign investment , foreign investment enterprise foreign exchange administration support or perfect .会议还强调:对于利用外资设立中小企业担保公司试点、外商投资企业境内融资渠道、涉及外商投资的审批、外商投资企业外汇管理等相关工作进行支持或完善 。