
英音  ['æktəz] 
美音 ['æktəz] 
actors 基本解释
演员(尤指男演员)( actor的名词复数 )
actors 变化形式易混淆的单词: Actors
中文词源actors 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Not all of us could get a horde of broadway actors wearing 1980s wigs to do anything worth watching .不是每个人找来一帮百老汇演员,戴上二十世纪八十年代的假发,就能鼓捣出值得观看的玩意 。
And even though more theaters are being built , there are few institutes where actors and directors can study .尽管各地兴建了越来越多的电影院,但是可供演员和导演进行学习的院校却少得可怜 。
Her father and her french mother were also actors .肯布尔的父亲和法国籍母亲也是演员 。
Why do porn actors kill themselves 色情电影的演员为什么要自杀?
All of the actors wore masks .所有的演员都戴着面具 。