
actualized 基本解释
实现,实施( actualize的过去式和过去分词 )
中文词源actualized 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释We are now actualized habits .我们现在是现实化的习惯的体现 。
Tweetemailtweetemailmany of us have a bad habit of judging ourselves based on our ideal self that hasn 't actualized .许多人都有一个不好的习惯,喜欢用还没有实现的理想自我来判读自己 。
Here , the point of kierkegaard 's thought is , this passionate concern is not present-at-hand for one , but manifested or actualized in a process of individuation .这里祁克果思想的特点是,这种激情性的关切关系是非现成性的,乃要在一种“个体性”的过程中展现或实现出来 。
About environment cost , china fixed lower prices in the past , while as the environment cost actualized , some manufacture industries will feel the rising of social economy comprehensive cost .在环境成本方面,中国过去定价比较低,而随着环境成本的真实化,某些制造行业将会感受到社会经济综合成本的上升 。
Based on such research for the constructing mode and organizational model , the actualized strategies of establishing the information commons can finally be come into shape .通过对信息共享空间构建模式与组织模型的研究,最终形成了关于构建信息共享空间的实施策略的思想 。