
actuates 基本解释
使动作( actuate的第三人称单数 );开动;(通常用于被动语态)驱使;激励
中文词源actuates 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Mechanical switches look , well , mechanical . They 're spiritually the same as those old-school arcade buttons we used to mash on in the 1980s . You push down on the key , and the switch physically actuates .机械键盘的按键看起来很“机械”.像是怀旧的街机上的按钮.你按下这个键,下面的金属触点的开关就闭合了.
The social development actuates the emergence of new forms of crime in the field of unpremeditatedcrime , the theory of unpremeditated joint crime is concerned increasingly .社会发展促使过失犯罪领域出现了新形态,主张过失共同犯罪的学说日渐引起关注 。
The economic change actuates the concept of people , and cause new moral concept and standard , but at the same time , some noaharchaic conception and behavior comes back again .转型经济促使人们观念更新,催生了一些新的道德观念、道德标准,同时也使一些腐朽、落后的观念和行为死灰复燃 。
The white house has said that it will take no decision on sending more troops to afghanistan until it actuates the new government is a " true partner " .白宫发言人称,直到断定阿富汗新政府是“真正的配合者”之前,不会向阿富汗差遣更多军队 。