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美音 [ˌæktʃʊ'eʃən]
actuation 基本解释
中文词源actuation 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Parker aerospace supplying the aircraft 's hydraulics system , flight control actuation and fuel tank systems in partnership with avic systems .派克宇航与中航系统合作提供飞机液压系统,飞控驱动和燃油贮箱系统 。
Parker , working with avic systems , is providing the aircraft 's hydraulics , flight control actuation and fuel tank systems .派克同中航系统合作,提供飞机液压,飞控和油箱系统 。
The height of vales working is decided by different actuation modes .阀门工作高度随选用不同的驱动方式而不同 。
This paper deals with the actuation of magnetic endoscopic robot capsule by external magnetic field .研究了利用外部磁场驱动胶囊内窥镜机器人的方法 。
Furthermore , the requirement of the structure stiffness in piezoelectric actuation plan is lower than the aileron plan .此外,压电驱动方案对机翼结构刚度的要求低于副翼方案 。
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