
actus是什么意思 , actus怎么读
英音  ['æktəs] 
美音 ['æktəs] 
actus 基本解释
[法] 诉讼 , 行为 , 法案
中文词源actus 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词 , 就可以看到词义解释Many people may understand that crimes typically have two central elements : actus reus , a guilty act , and mens rea , a guilty mind .很多人可能明白 , 犯罪通常有两个核心要素:犯罪行为和犯罪动机 。
With the help of the private contractor actus lend lease , the army has put energy efficient housing in new york 's sprawling fort drum , geothermal power in louisiana 's fort polk and the world 's largest solar community in hawaii .在私人承包商actuslendlease的帮助下 , 军队在纽约州毫无计划的德拉姆堡建设节能房 , 在路易斯安那的波尔卡堡采用地热 , 在夏威夷建起了世界上最大的太阳能社区 。
Crime quantity crime constitution facts of actus reus system ceps .罪数,犯罪构成,行为事实,体系性 。
" Middle part " theory is based on the presumption of homogenized , bare actus reus type without any circum-stance , and considers the objective harmfulness to die rechtsgut or the individual dangerousness is average , how-ever , such presumption is not persuasive .中段论假定 , 均质化的、排除任何情节的“裸”的犯罪行为类型 , 其客观的法益侵害还是主观的人身危险都是中间程度的 , 但是这一假设不能成立 。
This is an important way to strengthen the depth and weight of researching the actus reus , meanwhile this will make a great contribution to the perfection of the subject of criminal law andcriminal judicial practice .这是强化对犯罪行为研究的深度和分量的重要途径;对完善刑事法律学科和促进刑事司法实践具有重大意义 。