
英音  [ˌæktʃʊ'eərɪəl] 
美音 [ˌæktʃʊ'eərɪrl] 
actuarial 基本解释
所属分类:GRE中文词源actuarial 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Bhattacharya says it isn 't quite possible to use actuarial techniques , like life insurance companies do for human mortality rates , because all humans die someday while companies can live for hundreds of years .巴塔查里亚说,不太可能像寿险公司计算人类死亡率那样,用保险精算的方法算出公司死亡率,因为人总是难逃一死,而企业可能会存活数百年 。
In actuarial terms , therefore , the longevity science advisory panel reckons that even if men adopt healthy lifestyles , women will continue to outlive them .因此,长寿科学咨询委员会从精算的角度分析认为,即使男性以健康的方式生活,寿命仍然不及女性 。
While many rivals were picking hedge funds based on rounds of golf or recommendations from friends of friends , mr smith used his actuarial background to apply a mathematical analysis - securing him a job at gam from the late gilbert de botton , who already knew the yachting and golfing hedge fund glitterati .很多竞争对手都是通过打高尔夫球或朋友间的推荐来挑选对冲基金的,而史密斯则利用他保险精算的背景进行数学分析,这让他从资产管理公司gam已故的创始人吉尔伯特德伯顿(gilbertdebotton)那里获得了一个职位 。