
actuated 基本解释
使动作( actuate的过去式和过去分词 );开动;(通常用于被动语态)驱使;激励
中文词源actuated 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释The man who is actuated by love of power is more apt to inflict pain than to permit pleasure .被权欲驱使的人就更倾向于制造痛苦而不是允许人们得到快乐 。
The pursuit of knowledge is I think mainly actuated by love of power .我认为,求知欲主要源于权欲 。
Most in-circuit test fixtures use spring-loaded probes and are vacuum actuated .很多在线测试固定装置是带有弹簧的探针或者采用真空启动的 。
She was actuated by love for her mother .她为爱母之情所激动 。
If men were actuated by self-interest which they are not - except in the case of a few saints - the whole human race would cooperate .如果人们的行动服从自身利益实际并非如此,除一些圣教徒之外,全人类都可以协作起来 。