
英音  [əˈkju:tlɪ] 
美音 [əˈkjutlɪ] 
acutely 基本解释
中文词源acutely 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Asia 's governments are acutely conscious of all this .亚洲各国政府敏锐地意识到这一切 。
His new book is similarly readable , acutely observed and crammed with well-drawn characters .他的这本新书同样可读性强、观察敏锐、充满极富吸引力的人物群象 。
The dynamic is often most acutely evident when looking at behavior .在处理行为出格的学生之际,这种势态经常表现最为尖锐 。
Mr lee is acutely aware that keb and lone star have become bywords for his country 's alleged hostility to foreign investors .李敏锐地感觉到韩外换银行和孤星基金正成为一个证明他的国家对外国投资者怀有敌意的话柄 。
The conflicts in afghanistan and iraq have made planners acutely conscious that fuel dependence is putting us forces at risk .阿富汗和伊拉克爆发的冲突也使制定计划者敏锐地意识到,对于燃料的依赖使得美国军队处于风险当中 。