
英音  [ə'kju:tnəs] 
美音 [ə'kju:tnəs] 
acuteness 基本解释
中文词源acuteness 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释The growing prevalence of alzheimer 's has also heightened anxiety about mental acuteness .老年痴呆症的流行也增加了人们对于大脑敏锐程度的担心 。
Glossal pharynx is neuralgic it is glossa pharynx innervation area is paroxysmal acuteness ache .舌咽神经痛是舌咽神经分布区发作性剧烈疼痛 。
As soon as this was touched upon in any way she was capable of great acuteness .只消触及这一点,她准变得极敏锐 。
Go in continue to swing k. who knows good times don 't last long , another acuteness odour partner spreads all over the place quickly as blare whole dormitory .进去继续甩k 。谁知好景不长,又一股剧烈的气味伴随着一声巨响迅速弥漫整个寝室 。
From in those days after october , korea money devalues substantially , yen goes low continuously , our country hong kong , russia and stock market of euramerican and main nation are acuteness wave .从当年10月份以后,韩国货币大幅度贬值,日元持续走低,我国香港、俄罗斯及欧美主要国家股市剧烈波.