
英音  [ˈeɪdə] 
美音 [ˈedə] 
Ada 基本解释
Ada 变化形式易混淆的单词: ADAada
星级词汇:中文词源Ada 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Talbot has been invited to celebrate the ada 's 20th anniversary with a visit to the white house on monday .托尔伯特被邀请参加ada的20周年庆祝活动,并同时被邀请于周一造访白宫 。
The american dental association ( ada ) recommends fluoride supplements for children who live in communities that don 't have optimally fluoridated drinking water .美国牙医协会(ada)建议给不具备最佳饮用含氟水的社区中的儿童补充氟化物 。
The $ 325 million goal is already less than half of what the studio initially had hoped to raise in debt financing when it announced last summer it was forming a new partnership with india 's reliance ada group .去年夏季,梦工厂宣布与印度relianceadagroup建立新的合作伙伴关系时提出了债务融资目标,而这次3.25亿美元的融资计划比最初希望的规模少了一半多 。
You will have a hard time convincing the pointy-haired boss to let you build things in lisp , when he has just read in the paper that some other language is poised , like ada was twenty years ago , to take over the world .你很难说你的服秃顶上司同意用lisp写东西,他刚才才读到另一种语言新鲜出炉(就像ada二十年前那样),正要征服世界 。
Carmen puts her hand on ada 's arm , and removes it quickly .卡门把手放在艾达的胳膊上,又迅速移开 。