
AdaB 基本解释
Australian Development Assistance Bureau 澳大利亚发展援助局
中文词源AdaB 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Study on Coupling Adsorption and Absorption ( ADAB ) Cycle耦合吸附吸收(ADAB)系统性能实验研究
The system coupling adsorption and absorption ( ADAB ) operates at a pressure around the atmosphere .耦合吸附吸收制冷系统(ADAB)具有运行压力接近常压的优点 。
Based on studying ADAB algorithm , we aim at the shortcoming of this algorithm , namely it doesn ’ t adapt to or could not detect the lasting burst and the burst which is changing slowly and continuing for a long time in network security . The improved algorithm , viz . ADAB + algorithm , is put forward .在研究ADAB算法的基础上,针对其不适合或不能检测出网络安全流量事件中持续性突发和变化缓慢且持续时间较长的突发的不足,提出改进的ADAB+算法 。
The analyses of the theory indicate that we can see that its precision is higher and space cost is lower . It also guarantees time cost in linearity.Based on ADAB + algorithm , we apply it to network security domain and design a prototype system which can detect burst in network security based on data streams .理论分析表明,该算法误报率及空间复杂度较低,且保证了线性时间复杂度 。基于ADAB+,设计了一个基于数据流的网络安全突发事件检测原型系统 。