对父母感恩中英文感言写法怎么样?( 四 )

65.智慧之子使父亲欢乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞 。
a wise son rejoices his father, but a foolish son shames his mother.
66.母亲的爱是永远不会枯竭的 。
mother's love will never be exhausted.
67.要用希望孩子对待你的方式去对待父母 。
treat your parents the way you want your children to treat you.
68.天下最苦恼的事莫过于看不起自己的家 。
the most distressing thing in the world is to despise one's own home.
69.没有和平的家庭,就没有和平的社会 。
without a peaceful family, there can be no peaceful society.
70.再没有什么能比人的母亲更为伟大 。
nothing is greater than a human mother.
71.母亲,是唯一能使死神屈服的力量 。
mother is the only force that can bring death to its knees.
72.失去了慈母便像花插在瓶子里,虽然还有色有香,却失去了根 。
losing a loving mother is like putting a flower in a bottle. although it is colorful and fragrant, it loses its root.
73.养儿方知娘辛苦,养女方知谢娘恩 。
the adoptive daughter knows how hard she is, and the adoptive daughter knows how to thank her.
in the eyes of all young people, what a harsh judge father is!
75.世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲 。
all the glory and pride in the world come from mothers.
76.家庭的基础无疑是父母对其新生儿女具有特殊的情感 。
family is undoubtedly based on the special emotions of parents towards their newborn daughters.
77.妈妈你在哪儿,哪儿就是最快乐的地方 。
mom, where are you, where is the happiest place.
78.凡为父母的,莫不爱其子 。
all parents love their children.
80.贤不肖不可以不相分,若命之不可易,若美恶之不可移 。
the virtuous can not be separated, if the life is not easy, if the good and evil can not be removed.


Dear teacher,dear students:
Good morning, everyone!
今天我们国旗下演讲的题目是《感恩父母》 。
The topic of ourspeech today is Thanksgiving parents.一提到父母,我们马上就会想到父爱如山,博大深沉;母爱似水,细腻温柔 。是啊,自从父母用幸福的笑容迎接我们来到这个世上,父母就多了一项繁重的工作——养育我们 。扶我们学走路,教我们学说话,送我们去学堂,伴我们一天一天渐渐长大 。几多辛劳,几多爱心,几多叮咛,几多牵挂!
When it comes toparents, we immediately think of fatherhood as a mountain, and mother’s love aswater.Yes, ever since parents greeted us with a happy smile, they have had aheavy job —raising us.Helpus learn to walk, teach us to speak, send us to school, and grow up with us.How much hard work, how much love, how many words, how much concern!