
英语单词accipitral 英[æk'sɪpɪtrəl]美[æk'sɪpɪtrəl]adj.鹰的,鹰似的,贪婪凶猛的
双语例句 1 . I do not open day money, still pulled my accipitral hair!日我不开钱, 还把我的鹰毛扯了!
2 . The aquatic product production of accipitral pool city comparatives to belong to a miniature production partly.鹰潭市的水产生产相当一部分属于一家一户的小规模生产.
网络释义-accipitral 1 . 鹰的
accipiter 鹰类accipitral鹰的acclaim 喝彩
2 . 鹰似的
3 . 猛禽的
accipiter 鹰爪带, accipitral猛禽的, accipitral似鹰的
4 . 楣扮殑
accipiter 楣扮被accipitral楣扮殑acclaim 鍠濆僵
相关词条+accipitral mansion1 . 鹰厦
long-term since , the ministry goes to sea southeast Jiangxi province the passageway has accipitral mansion line to lead to Xiamen only , traffic is very disadvantageous .长期以来,江西省东南部出海通道只有鹰厦线通向厦门,交通十分不便 。
+accipitral mouth1 . 鹰嘴
fracture of ossicle of right laurel bone , does accipitral mouth rip companion ulna to want operationmeeting deformity not 右桂骨小骨骨折,伴尺骨鹰嘴撕脱要手术吗?会残疾不?
+my accipitral1 . 我的鹰
I do not open day money , still pulled my accipitral hair !日我不开钱,还把我的鹰毛扯了!
+accipitral hair1 . 鹰毛
【accipitral是什么意思_accipitral翻译英文怎么读】I do not open day money , still pulled my accipitral hair !日我不开钱,还把我的鹰毛扯了!