
在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力 。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是小编整理的拜年贺词六年级作文,希望对大家有所帮助 。
平时过年,总能看见人们互相拜年,口中道着新年贺词,什么“吉祥如意”呀、“福如东海”呀、“财源广进”呀、“事事顺心”呀等等 。可是,拜年时一定要说这么一大串不切实际的.拜年言辞吗?
【拜年贺词六年级作文怎么写?】为什么说它们不切实际呢?请听我一个一个为你详细解说 。先说“万事如意”吧!经历过风雨的人都知道,人的一生,是不可能没有挫折的 。不是有首歌叫“阳光总在风雨后”吗?不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹!所以,这句不对;还有“财源广进”,书中不是教我们,要视金钱为粪土,不要被它蒙蔽双眼吗?是的,人们生活离不开金钱,但我们也绝不能因此败坏了品质 。所以,这句也不对;最后一个是“青春永驻” 。让我们想一想吧:自古以来,有谁能够长生不老?有谁能够永远年轻美貌?没有!这句就更加不切实际了 。
爷爷经常对我说:“身体第一,学习第二 。”这句话一点不错,身体是学习的本钱呐!如果身体不健康,例如,经常感冒、发烧,甚至更严重的病,不但会影响到学习、工作,还会影响到日常生活 。身体,很重要;俗话说:“笑一笑,十年少 。”我认为,每天开开心心的,和身体同样重要 。我们班的QQ群不就叫开心豆豆吗?我相信,在生活中,只要常笑,肯定比任何化妆品都有效!
今年,经过我的修改,我的新年贺词已经出炉了 。贺词不长,只有九个字,在此,我要把它送给你:


The impact of the Internet on Interpersonal CommunicationThe drawing vividly depicts a scene that a father asks his daughter how was her school today.The daughter replies that he can learn it from her blog, which seemingly cannot be a satisfying answer to the father’s question.
What is conveyed in the drawing is that the Internet decreases the chance people communicate with each other in spite of its numerous merits.This kind of social phenomenon is not entirely a coincidence.Due to the rapid development of the Internet, we spend so much time surfing on the Internet that our ability to
communicate with others is degenerating.The Internet, which makes is common to be seen that people in the subway are immersed in playing mobile phones or tablets, has estranged people from their colleagues, friends, even families.Measures should be taken to deter the increasingly severe phenomenon.First and foremost, we have to realize that daily communication is irreplaceable.What’s more, we are supposed to communicate with others proactively to share our joy or sorrow.Last but not least, it is wise to create an environment to increase opportunities of face-to-face communication for the government.