
英语单词accruals 美[ə'kru:əlz]n.获利( accrual的名词复数 );利息;自然增长;自然增长物
双语例句 1 . The analysis on It'should base on the accruals and matching conceptions.用损益表进行分析时要注意权责发生制和配比原则.
2 . The forward - looking modified Jones model is used in figuring out the accruals .在实证过程中,采用了 前瞻性 修正的琼斯模型来估计操纵性应计部分.
3 . Understand how accruals affect the financial statement.了解应计基础如何影响财务报表.
4 . This paper examines how accruals affect the accounting conservatism in each firm life cycle stage.本文探讨了企业生命周期、应计特征和会计稳健性之间的相互关系.
5 . Jones model, modified Jones model and KS model ( Kang - Sivaramakrishnan model ) are primary total accruals models.Jones模型 、 修正Jones模型和KS模型是主要的总应计利润模型.
网络释义-accruals 1 . 增值
...or all expenses on a business trip.他们被要求说明出差的各项开支 。accrualsn. ①增值 ②获利,利息 ③自然增长the accrual of interest 利息积累
2 . 权责发生额
English and Chinese Accou... ... Accounts Receivable 应收帐款 Accruals 权责发生额 Adjusting Entries 调整分录.
3 . 不计息的
学习网考试学习资料 ... non-accrual items不计息项目 non-accruals不计息的 non-classified未分类的.
4 . 应计利润
an empirical analysis on audit quality and discretionary accruals., 审计质量与可控应计利润的实证研究.
相关词条+interest accrual1 . 计息
impaired assets 受损害资产interest accrual 计息interest coverage 利息偿付率
+accrual allocation1 . 收益分配
for a problem to structure of the property of this one brand-new company system , action , equity , accrual allocation , academic group discusses more .对于这一崭新的企业制度的性质、作用、股权结构、收益分配等问题,理论界讨论较多 。
+and accrual1 . 和收益
and the prime cause that people commune system fails is collectivize , limitted the freedom of farmer and accrual right , the production that caused farmer manages the forfeiture of unit function .而人民公社制度之所以失败的根本原因是集体化,限制了农户的自由和收益权利,导致了农户的生产经营单位功能的丧失 。