
英语单词accusing 英[əˈkju:zɪŋ]adj.责难的,问罪的,归罪的
v.指责,谴责,控告( accuse的现在分词 )
双语例句同反义词1 . He was accusing my mum of having an affair with another man.他指责我妈妈与另一个男人有染 。
2 . The accusing look in her eyes conveyed her sense of betrayal.她责备的眼神中流露出一种被骗的神情 。
3 . By accusing the King of murder, he signed his own death warrant.他指控国王谋杀,从而让自己走上了绝路 。
4 . It's my father they're accusing .他们指控的是我父亲 。
5 . Husband and wife turned coldly accusing backs toward each other.这两口子冷冷地背向而坐,互相埋怨.
同义词accusation网络释义-accusing 1 . 责难的
accuser 原告accusing责难的accusingly 责难地
2 . 他指责
more recently he has railed against " market failure " , accusingbig clients of investment banks challenging the fees and margins they are charged .最近他开始抱怨“市场的低迷”,他指责投资银行的大客户对银行的各项收费的无动于衷 。
3 . 非难的
非难的(accusing), 此释义来源于网络辞典 。
4 . 他们指责
opposition politicians reacted angrily , accusingthe Government of already making up its mind without the " promised consultation " .反对派政治家们对此做出了愤怒的反应,他们指责政府未经“保证协商”步骤便擅自作出了决定 。
相关词条+accuse1 . 归咎于
accurate a. 准确的,正确无误的accuse vt. 指责;归咎于accustom vt. 使习惯
2 . 控告
...8.可用于“动词+sb.+of sth.”的8个常见动词accuse(控告),cheat(欺骗),cure(治愈),inform(通知),remind(提醒),rid(摆脱),rob(抢劫),warn(警告)This photo reminds me of my school days.
+accuser1 . 原告
accuse 控告accuser 原告accusing 责难的
+accused1 . 指控
The general is accused of conniving in a plot to topple the government ., 将军被指控纵容一个颠覆政府的阴谋.
2 . 被告
【accusing是什么意思_accusing翻译英文怎么读】accuse 控诉;控告;指责accused 被告acknowledgment 承认;收讫