
英语单词acerb 英[ə'sɜ:b]美[ə'sɜ:b]adj.酸涩的 , 尖锐的 , 刻薄的
双语例句同反义词 更多资料 1 . What is acerb wet verrucous earlier symptom尖锐湿疣初期症状是 什么
2 . Acerb wet verrucous infection is very fast!尖锐湿疣感染很快!
3 . The strike with acerb contradictory conflict, massive capital, shut out, make both sides of capital internecine.尖锐的劳资矛盾冲突 、 大规模的罢工 、 闭厂, 使得劳资双方两败俱伤.
4 . Current, an acerb contradiction in moving course of our country economy is obtain employment situation austere.当前, 我国经济运行过程中的一项尖锐矛盾是就业形势严峻.
同义词acidcynicalcutting 语源 early 17th cent.: from Latin acerbussour-tasting英英释义 网络释义 noun1.sour or bitter in taste
2.harsh or corrosive in tone;
an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose
-acerb 1 . 酸涩的
The affection between the man and woman was compared to a dill pickle(腌黄瓜) .Dill pickle tastes bitter(苦的) and acerb(酸涩的),so it reflected.
2 . 尖锐的
简明英汉词汇 ... acerbfruit || 酸涩的水果 acerb|| 酸涩的, 尖锐的, 刻薄的 acerbate || 使发怒, 使烦恼恼怒的.
3 . 收敛性的
acerathere 无角犀, acerb收敛性的, aceratosis 角化不全
相关词条+acerbic letter1 . 封尖刻的信
Chou En - lai sent back an acerbic letter ., 周恩来回复了一封尖刻的信.
+so acerbity1 . 那么酸
Why is the stomach so acerbity, 为何胃会那么酸
+acerbity fluid1 . 酸液
Does this kind of acerbity fluid get enough whether strongly to dissolve this coin , 这种酸液是否强烈得足以把这枚硬币溶解呢
+acerb fruit1 . 酸涩的水果
【acerb是什么意思_acerb翻译英文怎么读】accessory fruit( false fruit) 附果, 假果acerb fruit 酸涩的水果acetic acid 醋酸