
英语单词acephate 美[əkɪ'feɪt]高灭磷,乙酰甲胺磷
双语例句 1 . A new process and high effective catalyzer of acephate 's synthesis was studied in this paper.本文提供一种用新型高效催化剂催化甲胺磷与酰化剂醋酐合成乙酰甲胺磷的新工艺.
2 . Acephate is on sale principally in the form of crystal in national and international markets.乙酰甲胺磷在国内外市场上主要以高纯度原粉(晶体)形式出售.
网络释义-acephate 1 . 乙酰甲胺磷
...deltamethrin, ≤5甲胺磷,methamidophos, ≤0.1乙酰甲胺磷,acephate, ≤0.1乐果,dimethoate, ≤1敌敌畏,dichloro.
2 . 高灭磷
acephalous larva 无头幼虫acephate高灭磷acerate 针状的
相关词条+Maximum residue limits of acephate in foods1 . 食品中乙酰甲胺磷最大残留限量标准
乙酰甲胺磷例句与用法 1. Maximum residue limits of acephate in foods食品中乙酰甲胺磷最大残留限量标准2. Occupational exposure limit for acephate in the.