往后余生致本身的说说 余生致本身的英文说说带翻译

Birds of a feather flock together. We must live for ourselves for the rest of our lives and live as we want.
物以类聚 , 人以群分 , 余生一定要为自己活 , 活成自己想要的样子 。
Try to live a good life to be a lovely person, to be a sparkling person will not depend on.
多多努力好好生活做一个可爱的人 , 做个闪闪发光的人不将就不依赖 。
The rest of your life is long. May you embrace yourself and grow hard. Don't let good wishes accumulate dust in the years.
余生很长愿你拥抱自己努力成长 , 别让美好愿望在岁月里积灰尘 。
The rest of your life must live for yourself and live as you want.
余生一定要为自己好好活 , 活成自己想要的样子 。
Use the rest of your life peacefully and conscientiously, be yourself, and don't change for anyone.
平和而认真地用尽余生 , 做你自己 , 不要为任何人改变 。
Try to be optimistic and contented for the rest of your life and believe that everything is the best arrangement.
往后余生努力做乐观且知足的人 , 相信一切都是最好的安排 。
The stronger a person's self-healing ability, the more likely it is to approach happiness.
一个人的自愈能力越强 , 才越有可能接近幸福 。
往后余生致本身的说说 余生致本身的英文说说带翻译

There is no insurmountable difficulty in life, there is no inseparable person in life.
生活中没有过不去的难关 , 生命中没有离不开的人 。
Do not dwell on the past, do not hesitate to the future, the rest of the life, know how to put down, live at ease.
不纠结过往 , 不犹豫未来 , 往后余生 , 懂得放下 , 活得自在 。
No matter how troubled the outside world is, there must still be a spontaneous heart.
不论外面世界多么纷扰 , 依然要有一颗然自若的心 。
Like to be unfettered, according to their own rhythm to do their own things.
喜欢不受拘束 , 按照自己的节奏做自己的事 。
The simple world of the heart will be simple and happy for a long time.
心简单世界就简单幸福才会长久 , 心自在生活就自在到哪都有快乐 。
The rest of your life is very expensive, I hope all your affection will not be let down.
余生很贵 , 愿你所有的深情 , 终不被辜负 。
Drinking lonely wine, blowing the wind of freedom, waiting for a person who doesn't have a date to return, he has only his own dream in the rest of his life.
喝着孤独的酒 , 吹着自由的风 , 等一个没有归期的人 , 在余生里做着只有自己的梦 。
Learn to live no matter whether someone around love, do their own love or no love are treated safely.
学会生活无论身边是否有人疼爱 , 做好自己有爱或无爱都安然对待 。
A person’s story, a person’s heart, I have a story. To myself for the rest of my life.