
空乘英语——起飞前(before take-off)
1. Morning, madam(sir). Welcome aboard!
早上好,女士(先生) 。欢迎登机!
2. May i introduce myself, I'm ___, the chief purser of
this flight.
请允许自我介绍 。我叫___,本次航班的乘主任务长 。

3. Morning, sir. Welcome aboard. business class or economy?
早上好,先生 。欢迎登机 。坐公务还是经济舱?
4. Follow me, please. Your seat is in the middle of the cabin.
请跟我来,您的座位在客舱中部 。
5. An aisle seat on the left side ------ here you are, sir.
是左边靠走廊座位------这是您的座位 。
6. I'm afraid you are in the 百思特网wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle.
恐怕您坐错位子了,20c正好在那边走廊的后二排 。
7. Excuse me for a second, I&#百思特网39;ll check.
请稍等一下,我查查看 。
8. The plane is about to take off. please don't walk about in the cabin.
飞机马上要起飞了,请不要在客舱内走动 。
9. You know the weather in hongkong is not so good. It has been delayed.

你知道香港的天气不太好,飞机延误了 。
10. Air China flight ca937 leaves at 0730 in the mo百思特网rning.
中国国际航空公司ca937航班,上午7:30起飞 。
11. Flight no. 926, leaving Tokyo at 1740, flies nonstop back to beijing.
ca926航班17:40离开东京直飞回北京 。
12. You’re flying economy class, is that right?
