
英语单词acetated 英['æsəteɪtɪd]美['æsəˌteɪtɪd]adj.用醋酸处理过的
网络释义-acetated 1 . 醋酸处理过的
acetate 醋酸盐acetated醋酸处理过的acetic acid 乙酸
2 . 用醋酸处理过的
论坛最新信息 ... acetate || 醋酸盐, 醋酸纤维素及其制成的产品 acetated|| 用醋酸处理过的 acetazolamide || 乙酰唑胺,醋唑磺胺(利尿剂).
3 . 乳酸盐
不同晶体液对腰硬联合麻醉下应用止血带行下肢_医学杂志_健康那些事儿K210.COM 关键词】 止血带;腰硬联合麻醉;血流动力学;血气分析;乳酸盐 [gap=3335]Key words】 tourniquet;CSEA;hemodynamics;blood gas analysis;acetated
相关词条+acetic acid and acetic1 . 醋酸和醋
An alcohol evaporator for production of acetic acid and acetic anhydride exploded during operation ., 一种用于生产醋酸和醋酸酐的酒精蒸发釜在服役中发生了爆炸.
2 . 冰醋酸和醋
acetylaniline was synthesized by the acetylization ofp-methoxylaniline with acetic acid and acetic anhydride , then nitration and reduction .以对甲氧基苯胺为原料,用冰醋酸和醋酸酐作乙酰化剂,经乙酰化、浓硝酸硝化、铁粉还原合成了3-氨基-4-甲氧基乙酰苯胺 。
+acetate , using acetic acid1 . 以乙酸
paper introduces a synthesis method of iso-propyl acetate , using acetic acid and iso-propyl alcohol as raw material and neodymium oxide as catalyst .介绍了以乙酸和异丙醇为原料,以氧化钕为催化剂来制取乙酸异丙酯的方法 。
+acetate with acetic acid1 . 冰乙酸
the synthesis n-butyl acetate with acetic acid and n-butanol as reactants and catalyst ferric chloride supported by silica was studied .研究了以二氧化硅负载三氯化铁为催化剂,冰乙酸和正丁醇为原料合成乙酸正丁酯 。
+acetate -1 . 合成醋酸
【acetated是什么意思_acetated翻译英文怎么读】in order to prepare cellulose acetate - propionate , the acid activation of cellulose was investigated in this paper .以合成醋酸丙酸纤维素中的酸活化为例对纤维素的酸活化进行了研究.