

Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?

Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive.mp30:34来自柠檬英语说

A:Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?
B:Well, there is Youth Hotel which costs under 20 dollars a night. Is that OK?
A:OK! Thank you!
I'd like to stay at a hotel near the beach
A:May I help you?
B:Yes, I'd like to stay at a hotel near the beach. Would you recommend one?
是的,我想要住在一间靠在海滩的旅馆 。你能为我推荐一个吗?
A:Well, there is a Moonlight Hotel with e百思特网xcellent service near the beach.
嗯,有个月光宾馆,离海滩不远,而且服务是一流的 。
B:Thank you!
对话解析A:Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?
Can you 表示“你能...”,
后面跟动词原形 。例如:Can you help me ? 你能帮帮我吗?
recommend 表示“推荐” 。
too expensive表示“太贵的,很昂贵的” 。
B:Well, there is Youth Hotel which costs under 20 dollars a night. Is that OK?
cost 表示“花费金钱”或“花费时间”,例如:The shoes cost 100 yuan.这双鞋100元 。
又如:It cost 1 hour for me to finish homework.
我花了一个小时完成作业 。
A:May I help you?
也可以说“What can I do for you?”
B:Yes, I'd like to stay at a hotel near the beach. Would you recommend one?
I'd like to do something“我想要做某事” 。例如:I'd like to go swimming.我想要去游泳 。
stay at “暂住在...,待在...” 。例如:I'd like to stay at home.我想要待在家里 。
near “在...附近,靠近”,near the beach “在海滩附近,靠近海边” 。
A:Well, there is a Moonlight Hotel with excellent service near the beach.
with excellent service “拥有一流的服务”,用来修饰其前面的“Moonlight Hotel” 。
with 后面跟表示特性、特点的名词,来修饰前面的名词,表示前面所述名词的特性等,
例如:a yar with many flowers表示:“一座布满许多花朵的庭院” 。
对话回顾回顾每句话的意思和知识点,巩固对话内容 。
A:Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?
B:Well, there is Youth Hotel which costs under 20 dollars a night. Is that OK?
A:OK! Thank you!

A:May I help you?
B:Yes, I'd like to stay at a hotel near the beach. Would you recommend one?
A:Well, there is a Moonlight Hotel with excellent service near the beach.
B:Thank you!
Tips第一次踏入异国旅游,人生地不熟的,在旅游咨询处可以问询关于住宿的信息,可以根据自己的实际要求进行具体的询问 。比如还有以下相关的问法:1.Do you have a hotel list? 这儿有旅馆目录吗?2.Is there a hotel which costs under 50 dollars 百思特网a night? 是否有每晚花费在50美元以下的旅馆?3.Could you recommend a hotel in the&nbs百思特网p;city center? 是否可推荐一家位于市中心的旅馆?关于以上口语表达,欢迎留言讨论!