保护环境英语作文带翻译怎么写?( 七 )

Day, the once very blue, but because of air pollution from factories, make the blue of the sky becomes cloudy; Water was very clear, but because the effluent from the factory, once the bottom stream become colorful; Forest, once very lush, but due to the deforestation of people, make once lush forest into a desolate desert...
At our side, there are many "environmental small guards", of course, there are a lot of damage to the environment behavior; Environmental protection of people we need to encourage them to adhere to the environmental protection, destroy the people we need to tell them the benefits of protecting the environment and damage the environment.
I hope that people can do it later "protect the environment, everyone duty", and the ability to truly realize the importance of protecting the environment, and make everyone around him to do this, in this way, our earth will be able to more and more beautiful, more and more prosperous!
人们常说:建设一座现代化的城市,首先要保证这座城市要有良好的生态环境 。
每天早上上学时,总是可以看到地面上干干净净的;中午放学的时候,我总是能清楚地看见地上的垃圾,而旁边的垃圾桶里却干干净净的,难道这些人不知道垃圾要丢到垃圾桶里吗?不,他们知道,连幼儿园的小朋友都知道垃圾要丢到垃圾桶里,他们怎么会不知道呢?他们乱丢垃圾完全是为了省事,因为他们在乱丢垃圾的那一刹那根本就没有想过这会破坏环境,根本就没有想过这会给清洁工带来不便 。我很纳闷,这些人究竟还有没有公德心?如果有,我请他们不要再乱扔垃圾,请他们一起来保护这座城市,保护我们美丽的家园 。
在我们的身边,有许许多多的“环保小卫士”,当然,也有很多破坏环境的行为;环保的人需要我们去鼓励他们坚持环保,破坏的人需要我们去告诉他们保护环境的好处以及破坏环境的弊端 。


Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.
Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.