钟南山院士的英语作文怎么写?( 三 )

六,当然,你可以争论说推广是要花钱的,钱都在药价里了,那么请问不推广如何让医生知道有这个药可以处方呢? 患者又如何可以用上对他们有帮助的好药呢? 再想一想,你买的化妆品,日用品,汽车,随便哪一样不是通过「广告」
以上希望帮助那些业外人士更多了解药企特别是外资药企,从而可以更客观冷静理性地看待这个行业以及这个行业最近的波诡云谲 。


When the novel coronavirus pneumonia patients appeared in large numbers, the name appeared in the public view, he is 84 years old Zhong Nanshan. Zhong Nanshan is an academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and a famous respiratory expert. As soon as he appears, the patient will be saved. He is the great savior of the patients with respiratory diseases.
In fact, this is not the first time that he appeared in the public field of vision and became the focus of attention. In 2003, Zhong Nanshan's R & D organization made great contributions in overcoming the SARS epidemic.
Zhong Nanshan once said, "hospitals are battlefields. As soldiers, we don't rush to them. Who will?" Now, despite the danger of his life, he is determined to march to Wuhan again. Earlier, after analyzing and studying the news of his illness, he immediately conveyed his suggestion: "my general view is not to go to Wuhan without special circumstances". But on the evening of January 18, when he advised others not to go to Wuhan, he went to the front line of epidemic prevention in Wuhan without hesitation. As a soldier, he rushed forward again. What a lovely old man! The appearance of Zhong Nanshan is like a tranquilizer of social mood. In the eyes of the public, he represents integrity, science and authority. What's more, people's daily Weibo commented on him as follows: at the age of 84, Zhong Nanshan has academician's specialty, warrior's bravery and national scholar's responsibility. All the way to work tirelessly, full of responsibility for the country and the people, it's really impressive!
In this gray and silent holiday, the old man, like a lighthouse, shines on the hearts of thousands of people, but also into the depths of my heart, so that my heart burns with the flame of hard work, never flinch, dare to climb.


In this epidemic, the person we trust most is Grandpa Zhong Nanshan.
We first learned that he was in the SARS epidemic. This old man, when the pneumonia epidemic spread in Wuhan, he also returned to the public view. At the age of 84, he told the public not to go to Wuhan as much as possible, and boarded the high-speed railway in Wuhan by himself, leading the expedition.