叛逆背后350字作文范文有没有?( 二 )
阅读之于心灵犹如运动之于身体 。阅读的人心胸通常较为开阔且鲜少感到无聊 。通过阅读不同种类的书,你可以开阔心胸和激发想象力 。
此外,阅读是一种花费不多的消遣 。它不会花你许多钱,因为你可以很容易地向图书馆或朋友借到书 。阅读对于全家人而言特别有益 。举例来说,我的家人喜欢阅读 。我们经常利用晚上的时间聚在一起讨论文学和分享从书中得来的见解 。因此,阅读使我们更亲密地在一起 。
18.Why Learn English ?
There are many advantages to learning English.English is an international language.If you can speak it, you\\'ll have little difficulty traveling anywhere.And if you can read it, you can acquire firsthand information about what is going on in the world.Mastering English, however, can\\'t be done overnight.It takes time and patience.To begin with, you should get yourself a good dictionary.Consult it when encountering a word you don\\'t understand.Any reading material is fine, but make sure you study for at least two hours every day.Keep in mind that there are no shortcuts to learning English.It takes a lot of hard work, but the reward is well worth the effort.
学英语有许多好处英语是国际语言如果你会说英语,那么你到任何地方去都不会有什么困难 。而且如果你会读英语的话,那么你对世界上所发生的事可随时获得第一手的资料 。然而精通英语却不是一朝一夕就可办到的这需要时间和耐心 。
首先,你必须给自己找一本好词典 。遇到你不懂的单词时就要查词典 。任何的阅读材料都可以,但是务必要做到每天至少读两个小时的书 。切记学英语是没有捷径的 。这需要下很多功夫,但就其获益而言,这样的努力是非常值得的 。
19.One Way to Improve Your English
My clamate, Lily, and I are the best students in our English cla.Do you know how we improve our English? We meet twice a week in a coffee shop to practice.We spend the whole afternoon discuing a wide range of topics in English.Then once a week an American friend, Stan, does language exchange with us.We teach him Chinese and he teaches us English.In le than six months, we have improved by leaps and bounds.We have also met other Americans through Stan.Now we have quite a few American friends.And of course, we always speak English with them.This way of learning English has worked wonders for us.Maybe it could work for you, too.
我和我的的同学莉莉是我们英语班上成绩最好的学生 。你知道我们是如何使英语进步的吗? 我们每星期在一家咖啡厅见面两次练习英语,我们整个下午都用英语讨论各种不同的主题 。然后一位美国朋友斯坦每个星期和我们做一次语言交流 。我们教他中文,他则教我们英语 。不到6个月的时间,我们的英语便突廷猛进 。
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