叛逆背后350字作文范文有没有?( 八 )
今天早上起床时,我就有一种奇怪的感觉,那就是今天会诸事不顺 。首先,因为我起得晚而错过了吃早餐 。然后,我赶到公交车站乘公交车时,踩到了一块香蕉皮而滑倒,跌了个四脚朝天 。
更糟糕的是,公交车因为客满而没有停下来让我上车, 我除了乘出租车之外别无选择 。直到出租车开到我学校时我才知道我把皮夹忘在家里了 。经过一连串的解释和道歉之后,那个司机才让我走 。最后我来到了学校大门口 。令我惊讶的是,我突然发现今天是学校假日 。真是祸不单行啊 。
9.That Unforgettable Day
I will always remember New Year\\'s Day in 2001.Early that morning my sister and I received a phone call.We were told Grandma had fainted and was being taken to a hospital in Taichung.The moment we received the meage, my uncle drove us to the hospital as fast as he could.It was a long journey from Taipei.While we were on the road, holiday bumper-to-bumper traffic slowed us down to a snail\\'s pace and a car accident the previous day made the congestion worse.Consequently, we got stuck for more than six hours on the highway.We were worried about Grandma the whole time.As soon as we arrived at the Taian Rest Area, we anxiously phoned home.However, Grandma had died of heart failure just half an hour before we called.
我将永远记得2001年的元旦 。那天一大清早,我姐姐和我接到一个电话 。电话中我们得知祖母昏倒后正被送到台中一家医院 。一接到这个消息,叔叔便尽快地载我们到医院去 。从台北到台中路很长 。
一路上,假日大排长龙的车流使我们慢得如蜗牛一般,而前一天的一场车祸使塞车更为严重 。因此,我们在高速公路上被困了六个多小时 。我们一直担心祖母 。一到泰安休息区,我们满怀焦虑地打电话回家乙然而,在我们打电话前半小时,祖母已因心脏衰竭而去世
14.My Leisure-Time Activity
When I have free time, I usually go mountain climbing alone.The mountain where I go all the time isn\\'t very high or rugged; therefore, it only takes me about half an hour to reach the top.The surrounding scenery is very charming.It\\'s no doubt the best place to view the rough sea.Moreover, when in high spirits, I\\'ll sing several folk songs.Sometimes I\\'ll bring a novel with me and do some leisure reading.After climbing the mountain, I\\'ll be exhausted, but soon I\\'ll feel energetic again because of the fresh air at the top of the mountain.What\\'s more, it makes me forget all my worries.As mountain climbing is so much fun, it\\'s really worthwhile doing this healthful activity on a regular basis.
我有空时,常一个人去爬山 。我经常去爬的山不是很高,也不崎岖; 因此,我只花了大约半小时就到达山顶 。四周的风景非常迷人 。无疑地,那是观赏波涛汹涌的大海的最佳地点 。
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