最新内资企业公司注册流程( 三 )

The registration fee:
外资公司:股东都为外国自然人或公司(WFOE-Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise: all share holds should be forgers or foreign companies)
我们建议的最低注册资金:4万美金,如低于此数字通过的几率将会下降 。注册资金在承诺的时间到位,一般为10-20年 。所有的资金必须从国外汇入 。
The US$40000 is our recommend mini register capital. All the register capital should pay off in 10-20 years, all the capital should come from oversea bank.
*Our company’s agent fee:
Incorporation: 2800US$
Apply import and export rights and general taxpayer rights: 500$
*Government fee: around 200$
内资公司:股东都为中国自然人或是中国公司(China Local Company:The invest are all Chinese or China company)
建议注册公司资金为50万RMB 。虽然国家并无规定最低注册资金的要求,但在上海每个区的实际情况不一样 。注册资金如果过低可能无法拿到市区的地址 。
The RMB500000 is our recommend mini register capital.
*Our company’s agent fee:
Incorporation: 0-500RMB
Apply import and export rights and general taxpayer rights: 2800RMB
*Government fee: around 270-1400RMB
内外资大体一致,但在股东分红税方面 。外资略有优势,要看投资方具体是哪个国家 。
内外资一致 。
The same with WFOE or CLC:
一定要求是办公楼,不能为民用居住 。
The building must be for office-using, not for living-using.
1、获得外经委的审批是非常重要的,这决定了我们能否成立这家公司 。能否通过审批的关键是我们的营业范围和从事事情的方法 。
It’s very important to get the prove file issued by foreign economic administration in shanghai, it’s determined whether or not we could setup this WFOE.The key point of pass certificate is what we to do in china and how to do it.
2、在中国,只有获得一般纳税人资格,才可以获得开17%增票的资格,才可以获得出口退税 。
【最新内资企业公司注册流程】In china, only after get the general taxpayer rights, you can take 17% VAT, then company can get export tax return.So it’s very important to get general taxpayer rights.