《侏罗纪公园3D》观后感怎么写?( 二 )

然后该讯猛龙出场了 。两个小孩在厨房吃着饭,突然,迅猛龙冲了进来 。无路可逃的小朋友躲进了厨房,他们很害怕,可是他们没想到 。迅猛龙很聪明,都会开门了 。他们一看,进来的不是一只迅猛龙,而是两只,小孩们不能出一点声音 。就在这时,两个大人拿着枪来了,可是就算有枪也没用,他们打不过迅猛龙的 。最后,暴龙救了他们一命,暴龙突然闯了进来,吃掉了两只迅猛龙 。就在这时,他们已经坐上飞机,离开了侏罗纪公园!
整个过程中,我听到身边的人不由自主的尖叫声,很多镜头我也是紧闭双眼,太吓人了,我明白了什么叫不寒而栗,什么是胆战心惊的感觉,一直到现在,我的心还是紧紧地揪着,还沉浸在恐怖之中 。
【《侏罗纪公园3D》观后感怎么写?】通过这部电影我知道了坏人遭报应,好人有好报!虽然现在科技很发达,但是还是有很多出乎预料的事情会发生,而这些超出想象的事情就会得不到应有的控制,原来的计划远没有变化来得快 。因此我们遇事要冷静,不要慌张 。我喜欢恐龙,但是这部影片太逼真了,吓死我了,吓得我手还抖呢!连夜赶出来这篇观后感后,我想我的梦中还会与这些可怕的庞然大物做伴的 。“呜,呜”好可怕 。


It goes without saying that Juraic Park is one of my favourite movies I have seen.This story is about the dinosaurs aaulted people when the dinosaurs escaped from the Juraic Park and people brought the dinosaurs to their knees finally.Obviously, the dinosaurs were strong and fierce.However, they couldn\\'t live in the earth with people peaceful whatever in the movie or in the real life I think.And the discuion of the dinosaurs can\\'t stop.We should increase the awarene of the importance of the dinosaurs and other paleontology.The dinosaurs are the history.The history is the eence of the world and it has a profound impact on both individuals and society.