职称英语考试报考指南公布|职称英语知识点讲解大全( 二 )

2、如实、准确、工整地填写报名表中的各有关项目,并由所在单位加盖公章 。使用报名信息卡的,除按要求填写报名表外,还应严格按照《报考手册》中规定的填涂工具和填涂要求,认真、准确填涂好报名信息卡 。报名表和报名信息卡填好后,应认真检查,确保报名的填写和报名信息卡的填涂准确无误 。
3、携带报名表、报名信息卡、照片、身份证和其它所需证件到报名点办理报名手续,报名点发给每一报考人员一个报名序号,该报名序号应保存好,以备后用 。
针对职称英语考试中的第一部分词汇题,我建议大家带一本同义词词典(双解词典),这类词典的特点是用几个同义词注解某一英文单词,大家可以非常方便地在注解中找到答案 。
1. Before leaving the house, she closed the windows.
2. She is close to success.
两句话里都有close,但是词性不同,第一句话里的是动词,因为有形式上的变化(-ed);而第二句话里的close跟在is的后面,而且形式上没有变化,因此判断为形容词 。当寻找他们的同义词时,应针对不同的词性加以判断 。这一点对于大家来说非常重要!
如:Her sister urged her to apply for the job. (P602)
advised B.caused C.forced D.promised如果去字典里查urged,当然是查不到的 。
Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first.(P461)
posted B. Sent C.handed D. Given
1. Practically all animals communicate through sounds.

A.Clearly B.Almost C.Absolutely D.Basically

2. The story was very touching.

A百思特网.Inspiring B.Boring C.Moving D.absorbing

You should have blended the butter with the sugar thoroughly.

A.Spread B.Mixed C.Beaten D.covered

4. I won’t tolerate that kind of behaviour.


5. The index is the government’s chief gauge of future economic activity.


1) The main(主要的)idea(思想,主意)of this passage(文章) is…
2)Which of the following(下列的)statements(句子)best expresses
(表达) the main idea of the passage?
3) The passage mainly discusses(讨论)…
4)This passage mainly deals with(涉及)…
5) The author’s purpose(意图) in writing this passage is…
6)What is the passage mainly about?

1)Some people do sth. because ____________?
2)According to the passage, we can know that ___________.
3)What … ? Which … ? Who (Whom) … ? When (What time)…
4)Which of the following statements is true except...?
Which of the following statementsis not mentioned?
Which of the following is mentioned?
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

1) The word “…”in line(行)… refers to(指)…
2) In paragraph 4,“ it ” refer to (means)………

1) It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that….
2) Which of the following can be inferred?
3) It can be concluded (结论) from the passage that … .

1) The author’s main(主要的)purpose(目的) in this passage is….
2) The author’s purpose of writing this passage is….
3) In this passage the author’s attitude(看法)could best..
4) The author’s main thought(思想) is that…

Light Night,Dark Stars
1. Thousands of people around the globe step outside to gaze at their night sky.On a clear night,with no clouds, moonlight,or artificial lights to block the view,people can see more than 14,000 stars in the sky,says Dennis Ward,an astronomer with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research(UCAR)in Boulder,Colo.But when people are surrounded by city lights.he says,they’re lucky to see 150 stars.