actor是什么意思_actor翻译英文怎么读( 二 )

+are actors and actors1 . 各式各样的演员
There are actors and actors ., 有各式各样的演员.
+actor /1 . 演员和
the occupations of the characters are as follows : Ross , palaeontologist ; Monica , chef ; Joey , actor / model ; Phoebe , masseuse ; Rachel , waitress ; Chandler , data processor .剧中六人的职业是:罗斯,古人类学家;莫尼卡,厨师,乔伊,演员和模特儿;菲比,按摩师和歌手;瑞秋,女侍应和服装公司职员;钱德勒,数据处理专家 。
2 . 演员兼
she and her current husband , actor / director Billy Bob Thornton , wear necklaces with vials containing each other's blood .她和她现任丈夫──演员兼导演比利·鲍伯·索顿,两人戴的项链上系着装盛彼此血液的玻璃瓶 。