
大学四级 雅思考试 GRE考试 考研词汇 托福考试 大学六级 职称词汇 英语单词acute 英[əˈkju:t]美[əˈkjut]adj.尖的 , 锐的;敏锐的 , 敏感的;严重的 , 剧烈的;[医]急性的
双语例句同反义词 更多资料1 . I was laid up in bed with acute rheumatism.我染上了急性风湿 , 卧病在床 。
2 . In the dark my sense of hearing becomes so acute .黑暗中我的听觉变得异常灵敏 。
3 . Into her nineties, her thinking remained acute and her character forceful.虽已年届九旬 , 她依然头脑敏锐 , 个性很强 。
4 . The report has caused acute embarrassment to the government.报告将政府置于窘境 。
5 . A patient going through acute detox will have an assigned nurse nearby.接受急性脱瘾治疗的病人身边会有一名指派的护士看护 。
同义词 adj. 1.尖锐的;敏锐的”释义下的同义词discerningkeensharpandquickastuteshrewdseveresmart反义词 adj.1.尖锐的;敏锐的”释义下的同义词 dull 语源 late Middle English(describing a disease or its symptoms): from Latin acutus, past participle of acueresharpen, from acusneedle英英释义行业释义网络释义 noun1.a mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation
2.having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe course;
acute appendicitis
3.extremely sharp or intense;
acute pain
4.having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions;
an acute observer of politics and politicians
5.of an angle; less than 90 degrees
6.ending in a sharp point
【acute是什么意思_acute翻译英文怎么读】7.of critical importance and consequence;
an acute (or critical) lack of research funds
医学1.①尖锐的 , 强烈的
-acute 1 . 急性
...一综合征也可见于儿童和青少年 , ARDS的特点在于急性起病 , 因此ARDS中的“A”由成人(adult)改为急性(acute) 。
2 . 敏锐的
acusiometer 听力计 , 听力测验器acute尖的 , 敏锐的acuteangle handpiece 锐角机头 , 弯机头