
GRE考试 英语单词adage 英[ˈædɪdʒ]美[ˈædɪdʒ]n.谚语,格言
双语例句同反义词 更多资料1 . The adage " Trade is better than aid " is clearly of great relevance to agriculture.【adage是什么意思_adage翻译英文怎么读】“ 贸易胜于援助, ” 这一格言对于农业显然是十分中肯的.
2 . But the old adage that men grow into office has not proved true in my experience.但是,根据我的经验,人们所谓的工作岗位造就人材这句古话并不正确.
3 . Answering probably an adage : The day fails the person wishes.或许正应了一句老话: 天不遂人愿.
4 . Han Jia, I think both of us have followed this adage .韩佳, 我觉得我们俩就是这么做的.
5 . You've heard the adage many times about turning lemons into lemonade, right相信你已经听过这个谚语很多次了吧,是关于把柠檬变成柠檬汽水的, 是 吗
同义词truthmaximproverbmotto语源 mid 16th cent.: from French, from Latin adagiumsaying, based on an early form of aioI say 网络释义-adage 1 . 俗语
中文:俗语;英语:Adage;法语:Adage (expression);
2 . 广告时代
行业权威杂志《广告时代》(AdAge)在周五公布的一篇文章中分析称,谷歌最近所实施的许多社交网络收购是在为推出自己的新社交网络做准备 。
3 . 格言
adae 手斧adage格言adagietto 更缓慢的
4 . 谚语
acute adj. 敏锐的,急性的adagen. 格言,谚语adapt v. 使适应,改编
相关词条+adage says1 . 谚语说
an old adage says : " There's no smoke without fire . " "古老的谚语说“无风不起浪” 。
+the adage1 . 这格言
I refer him to the adage " a rolling stone gathers no mass. ", 我以 " 滚石不生苔 " 这格言规劝他 "
+old adage1 . 古老谚语
There is much truth in the old adage about fools and their money ., 在这本关于愚人及其钱财的古老谚语中 , 蕴藏着很多真理.
+adage that1 . 流行的说法
an old adage that " climbing is the best training for climbing , " and many climbers lean on this linean excuse for not engaging in any training activities outside of climbing itself .有句流行的说法“攀爬就是最好的攀岩训练”许多攀岩者依着这个籍口不去做任何攀岩之外的训练活动 。